This website is an initiative after the recent events in Chennai for Jallikattu.

  1. People did not have a clue as to why the Prime Minister is unable to help them pass an  ordinance  when  the case is in court while he was able to pass ordinance on Demonetization.
  2. Anbumani Ramdoss, who was an MP(served 5 years) wanted the PM to do the same.
  3. The Ruling and Opposition parties were also suggesting the same to the People of TN.
  4. They were all asking the PM to commit an  offence – “Contempt of Court” knowing well that  it is not possible for him to do so.

For decades, Politicians and Bureaucrats have misused citizens’ emotions and ignorance to their advantage.

I have also seen the pride other nationalities have in learning/teaching about their history/civics of their country, but most of us cast it away, either its too boring or extensive.

Learning, of the laws governing them, equips the future citizens exercise their rights and voice out for the change they need, to bring about in their country for their progress.

Inspired by US style of education, I have tried to include some pictorial representations for easier understanding .

This is my humble attempt to simplify the working of our government/constitution for the future generation who have the zeal to bring about the change but no idea about the basic functions and powers of government.

If it helps some one, I shall be satisfied of having done my part in contributing for a better India.

Please do share your inputs for the improvement of this site. This site is a work in progress and I shall add more details as and when I can.

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Disclaimer : I hereby declare that most of the content in this website are collected and resourced from various other sources. I have just presented it in coherence for better understanding of our children, youth, adults.

Thanks, come back or share with someone! 😀

A. Valli Narayani 20/1/20017